Thursday 26 August 2021

UK using their right to forget the right to privacy again?

UK's government named Mr John Edwards as the new Information Commissioner (ICO). His task: to move away from the EU data protection rules, which are at least to an extent perceived as 'pointless' (see BBC's news 'Data protection 'shake-up' takes aim at cookie pop-ups'). For example, the pop-up notices that a website is using cookies could only be required in the future when the website brings about 'high risk' to privacy. How the 'high risk' will be determined? - remains to be seen. Generally, privacy is to be protected through 'a light touch' though, which likely means that the new UK rules will not be compatible with GDPR rules. This, in turn, may inhibit trade with EU countries (if UK is recognised as a country deviating too much from GDPR rules to guarantee safe transfer of data), which could not be worth creating the regulatory haven the UK government is dreaming about. But then again, the right to privacy was never perceived as a human right in the UK and it seems Brexit could give an excuse to strip it away again.