Thursday 14 June 2018

Sweep of telecommunication and other digital services websites

On May 18 the European Commission and national consumer protection authorities published their new sweep report revealing misleading commercial practices adopted by websites offering telecommunication (e.g. fixed/mobile phone, internet) and other digital services (e.g. streaming) (see more Buying telecom services online...). Out of 207 screened websites - 163 could be currently infringing EU consumer law. The most common suspicious practices concerned: 
  • incorrectly advertising certain packages as free or discounted, as in fact these belonged to a bundled offer; 
  • not offering a dispute resolution system (or link to ODR); 
  • maintaining a possibility of unilateral change of T&Cs without adhering to rules on notification or providing a justification;
  • providing incorrect or misleading information on refunds in case of either withdrawal from the contract or non-conformity;
  • automatic contract renewals without properly informing consumers about this.

From the EU Commission website