Monday, 2 October 2017 Brexit claimed its first major victim! The UK based
Monarch (Airlines and Holidays) went into administration. The bankruptcy of the
company came for many as an unpleasant surprise, leaving 110.000
passengers stranded abroad and many more disappointed with the cancellation of
their holiday. According to the BBC, Brexit is in the heart of the company’s
failure. Namely, following the Brexit vote the value of the Pound has sharply
fallen compared to US Dollar, and many substantial costs for running the
airline such as for fuel and handling charges were denominated in US Dollars.
This means that following the Brexit vote Monarch paid more for these services
and goods than before. Conversely, fierce competition from other low-cost
airlines and tour operators, disabled the company to recover the additional
costs generated by the Brexit vote.
The case of Monarch in the UK reflects the state of consumer rights also on an EU level. There is a distinction between consumers that buy package holidays and those that buy only air tickets. The first are protected in case of insolvency, according to art 17 of Directive 2015/2302/EU (the New Package Travel Directive), while the second category falls under Regulation 261/2004 which does not provide for insolvency of the provider and the ensuing difficulties in fulfilling their obligations to compensate consumers and reroute flights as per art.7 of the Regulation.
While it
is mandatory for air carriers to insure their passengers, as per art 6.1. of Regulation
785/2004, insolvency is not specified as a risk. Art.9 of Regulation 1008/2008 on common rules for the operation
of air services in the Community (RECAST) provides for the suspension and
revocation of the operating license of an air carrier facing financial
problems, yet does not cover issues of compensation or repatriation of
passengers. Thus, flight-only consumers are disadvantaged in the event of
insolvency of the airline, compared to package travel consumers.
Commission has recognised the changing landscape as more consumers arrange
their travel independently rather than book a package holiday, by bringing a
Proposal for amending Regulation 261/2004 in 2013. The Proposal includes the
obligation of large airport to have a contingency plan in place in case of a
large number of cancelled flights, as well as inform passengers of said
cancellations.( See art.4 and 14.4 of the Proposal).
Do you think that the
current framework and especially Regulation 261/2004 ensures adequate
protection of air passengers in the event of insolvency of the carrier or
should Monarch be a warning sign that there is need for reform?
Note: This is the first joint post of the blog and I kindly aknowledge the contribution of Andrea
Fejős, especially on the role of Brexit to the closure of Monarch.