9 July 2015: opinion AG Jääsikinen in Neptune Distribution (C-157/14)

AG Jääsikinen confirms that also producers of natural mineral water while marketing it must follow the guidelines as to what could be labelled as a "very low sodium/ salt" product from the Regulation. Additionally, in the answer to one of the posed question, the AG states that in the calculation of the sodium level all sorts of sodium should be considered (and not only table salt - sodium chloride - as Neptune Distribution has argued for). (Par. 29-33) If this opinion is upheld by the CJEU this will mean that natural mineral water could not be labelled as "very low sodium/ salt" if it contained very little table salt, but the overall sodium level would be high to the e.g. appearance of some baking soda in it (apparently present in certain natural mineral waters). This assessment doesn't surprise in light of the overall aim of protecting consumer health. (Par. 47-48)