Monday 3 September 2012

Sharing radio spectrum would benefit consumers

While internet is growing, the regulations that allow to maximise its use have sometimes some catching up to do. For example, in order to introduce and use wireless broadband services a certain radio spectrum needs to be used. The problem is that the radio spectrum is a scarce resource, and most European regulators already allocated all their radio spectrum, as well as strictly controlled its use. This means that providers of new wireless services would need to first re-allocate some old radio spectrum - which is an expensive process - in order for consumers to benefit from these new wireless services. What was needed was a more efficient plan of using the radio spectrum, and promotion of the idea of sharing it - across Europe. Therefore, the European Commission informed today that they are working on enabling wireless technologies to share the use of the radio spectrum. (Commission moves to foster wireless innovation through sharing of radio spectrum) What is important about this news is that the change on a European level would eventually grant many European consumers a better (and more affordable) access to wireless broadband services, greater use of wireless devices and new wireless services. (Maximising radio spectrum efficiency by sharing it)