Thursday, 22 March 2012

"F" for Poland and Czech Republic

Many consumers may not be aware where the signs on the refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers etc. that point out to their energy use and environmental friendliness (B, A, A+ etc.) come from but at least they started being aware of different levels of energy consumption of consumer goods. Part of this consumer awareness is due to the Energy Labelling Directive that obligates the Member States to enforce uniform labelling of consumer goods within the EU. This allows consumers to have more and easily-accessible information as to the energy efficiency of consumer goods that they are contemplating to purchase, which may lead them to make purchase decision based on energy-saving strategies, as well (and save a few polar bears in the process... yay!). Unfortunately, Poland and Czech Republic seem to be behind with the implementation measures what the European Commission has pointed out today (Energy Labelling...).