The EU Commission has recently launched a public consultation on the safety of apps and other non-embedded software. The consultation has opened on the 9 June 2016 and will close on the 15 September 2016. It aims to give the Commission a better understanding of the possible risks and problems that non-embedded software can pose and possible ways to deal with the problems. This could then define potential next steps and future policies at EU level.
The consultation focuses on the safety of apps and other non-embedded software. This means software and apps which are neither embedded nor contained in a tangible medium at the time of their placement in the market or supply to consumers. According to the Commission, good examples are health and well-being apps, digital models for 3D printing or apps controlling other devices such as electronic appliances. Importantly, the consultation concerns the safety aspects of apps and not the underlying service itself (for example if the app gives access to a service such as transport). Safety or safe use is understood as freedom from unacceptable danger, risk or harm, including security vulnerabilities (so called cyber security) and physical, economic and non-material damage.
Responses may be submitted on any EU language through the online questionnaire (available here).