As previously mentioned on this blog (Who needs courts? EC: let's settle consumer disputes out of them), the European Commission pays more attention nowadays to finding out what options of redress consumers have. As we all, as consumers, know, at the moment these options differ from country to country and both: collective redress and alternative dispute resolution is still seen as something controversial and risky. Hopefully, the public consultation that is to be finalized mid March will result in creating a coherent, European system of ADRs. Until that time, it might be handy to know that on EC website you can check what is the state of play on consumer redress (ADR, court proceedings for small claims, injunctions, compensatory collective redress) in various Member States. DG SANCO prepared fiches on each and every Member State and fortunately they have been made public since it makes it easier to compare various legal systems and spot differences in consumer protection. You may find this overview here.