Monday, 29 April 2013
Flight tickets' price transparency

Sunday, 28 April 2013
Lack of EU collective redress weakens position of defective breast implants' victims
EU consumer organisation BEUC issued a press release on the 17th of April lamenting the constant lack of a possibility to claim consumer collective redress in Europe (Victims of breast implants scandal flight for compensation - need for EU to better protect with Collective Redress). Even though for years now the European Commission and other parties expressed their concern about the lack of effective enforcement of consumer rights when an individual consumer suffers damage of little monetary value but the harm to the society could be great, no laws have yet been introduced. There are only a few countries in the EU who allow consumers to bring a collective claim to court or in front of a tribunal, mostly in the form of a representative action. Not only is there lack of harmonisation of these measures among the Member States, but also rarely these proceedings give consumers all advances that a EU class action/ representative action system could. This issue became relevant again with more than 5000 women (victims from various EU countries since the device was sent across Europe) seeking compensation due to damage they have suffered from defective breast implants.
Saturday, 27 April 2013
Will the TV strike back?
EU citizens spend more and more time online, pulling out their smartphones on a bus stop to check the for the best connections, downloading TV series on their computers and watching various episodes at leisure and not according to the TV schedule, posting videos and photos on Facebook, YouTube etc. and then watching them on a connected TV as well. The TV and other media as we know it now may soon become extinct. The European Commission wants to explore to what extent the boundaries between consumers, broadcast media and the internet are fading away and what effect this brings about for the EU market. A Green Paper 'Preparing for a Fully Converged Audiovisual World: Growth, Creation and Values' invites stakeholders to submit their concerns and remarks on this subject by the end of August 2013. Based on the submitted replies the Commission intends to consider possibility of taking further actions. (Internet on TV, TV on Internet...)
Thursday, 25 April 2013
European Commission on the trail
For anyone interested in the field of competition law, there are two new updates on antitrust proceedings started by the European Commission outcomes of which may directly influence EU consumers.
The other procedure is against Google in relation to online search and search advertising and a possibility of Google abusing its dominant position in this area (more on that: here). Google addressed main four competition concerns of the Commission (practices leading to reduced choice for consumers in online world) and offered certain commitments, but the Commission would like to receive some more clarity about them. (Commission seeks feedback on commitments offered by Google to address competition concerns) It remains to be seen whether and how both of these procedures progress. (see also our previous post: Investigation into Google...)
Does fake equal bad? European Commission thinks so.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Passenger rights, a different angle
How much do we care about governments knowing when, where to, and possibly with whom we travel?
Many of us today are used to giving away a lot of information concerning their private lives on social networks, but what if it were possible to get part of that information directly from the airlines we travel with?
Today, the Civil Liberties Committee of the European Parliament rejected a proposal which the Commission put forward in 2011 and which aims to "oblige air carriers to
provide EU countries with the data of passengers entering or leaving the
EU, for use in preventing, detecting, investigating and prosecuting
serious crime and terrorist offences."
The vote was relatively close (30-25) and anti-terrorism is a strong counter-argument, so the proposal's story does not finish here. We will see where the balance between privacy and control will be struck, in the end.
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
New rules on mortgages?
Yesterday, the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee MEPs and EU member state representatives reached a preliminary deal concerning new harmonised rules on mortgages, mainly aiming to increase the sustainability of the credit market.
From what can be read in the EP press release, it seems that the proposal, which builds on a previous Directive proposal by the commission, is based on supervision, promotion of better decision-making and a degree of attention to borrowers who encounter financial difficulties.
Under the first aspect, more attention should be paid to"mortgage sellers".
As concerns decision-making, not only pre-contractual information should be improved, e.g. by offering a range of clearly comparable and sustainable alternatives; the proposal also envisages a cooling-off period of seven days.
Once the contract is signed, the possibility to switch provider and to repay early should be guaranteed against "tying" practices.
Finally, in the event of default the imagined piece of legislation would:
Finally, in the event of default the imagined piece of legislation would:
- promote the stipulation of agreements foreseeing repayment in kind;
- require "arrangements for selling the property for the "best effort" price and for facilitating the remaining debt repayments".
So much for the moment, with the negotiators having left important issues (such as that of implementation) open. The first impression is that the proposal stays quite timid on at least one crucial point: if vesting of the immovable is enough to cover a debt "provided that the lender and borrower expressly agree to this in the contract", how should lenders convinced to include such agreement? Post-eviction indebtedness probably needs to be addressed a bit more resolutely than this.
Monday, 22 April 2013
Non-financial accounting of European companies
What do we know about the companies that trade and produce in Europe? Information on companies' financial performance is (in principle) public, but it is not what investors and- what concerns us more directly- communities and other stakeholders might need to know when dealing with a firm.
Companies can of course release more information on a voluntary basis, but not many of them take this chance to shine.
For this reason, last week the Commission put forward a proposal to amend two directives in the field of company law, with the following key objectives:
"(1) To increase the transparency of certain companies, and to increase the
relevance, consistency, and comparability of the non-financial information
currently disclosed, by strengthening and clarifying the existing requirements.
(2) To increase diversity in the boards of companies through enhanced
transparency in order to facilitate an effective oversight of the management and
robust governance of the company.
(3) To increase the company's accountability and performance, and the efficiency
of the Single Market" (explanatory note, p. 3)
If the proposal passes, companies with more than 500 employees will be required to disclose information on a number of "non-financial" aspects of their activity: environmental matters, social and employee-related aspects, respect for
human rights, anti-corruption and bribery issues, and diversity on the
boards of directors. Within these areas, the statement will include (i) a description of its policies, (ii) results and
(iii) risk-related aspects.
(iii) risk-related aspects.
Even though the proposal is quite clear that the target is "business-relevant" information, more information will available to (associations of) consumers as well, hopefully hoping those of us who want to make considerate consumption choices.
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Opposing unnecessary bank fees
Last fall the European Parliament called for further harmonisation of cross-border payments, especially with regards to increasing transparency of bank fees and removing the unnecessary ones (see: European fees for card payments?). The European Commission just opened investigations into practices of MasterCard and Visa with regards to inter-bank fees, trying to establish whether they do not harm competition in the internal market (see also: Inflated Visa fees ultimately paid by consumers?). Since EU consumers pay for more than 40% of their non-cash purchases per year with a credit card, it is important that they are not unnecessarily charged on that basis. Such extra costs could result from the fact that EU traders are obliged to pay extra inter-bank fees and then pass these costs on consumers. The antitrust proceedings are likely to take some time, but the European Commission announced that it intends also to present a regulation on inter-bank fees for card payments before this summer. (Commission opens investigation into MasterCard inter-bank fees)
Where the green products are

The goal behind these instruments is among others to increase consumers' knowledge and awareness about life-cycle assessment and environmental performance of products. The properly established duty to inform (with preferably one harmonised labelling system across the EU) could facilitate consumers knowledge about environmental qualities of the goods they would be purchasing. At this point data shows that 48% of EU consumers are confused by all the information they receive on environmental impact of products. It has also been claimed that lack of harmonisation increases industry costs in this respect.
If the proposal is adopted it would introduce two ways to measure environmental performance throughout the life-cycle of the goods: Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) and Organisation Environmental Footprint (OEF). The weak point of the proposal is that it would only recommend the use of these methods of assessment to Member States and private parties, and would not actually require it. After the adoption of the proposal the Commission intends to open a 3 year testing period for developing new product- and sector-specific rules.
Thursday, 4 April 2013
National data authorities to closely investigate Google's privacy policy
At the initiative of the French CNIL, on 2 April six national data protection authorities have launched an investigation into the compatibility of Google's privacy policy with their countries' provisions implementing the European Data Protection Directive (95/46/CE).
This follows a prior analysis by the Article 29 Working Party and contacts with Google, which have not been able to lead to an agreement on the amendment of the company's privacy policy. The results of the investigations will be known in the coming months.
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
Unfair commercial practices in practice

(As a side note to the article, I would add that in many European legal systems the acquisition of a warranty is not necessarily against consumer interests, insofar as it can provide consumers with additional rights in respect to the European rules on non-conformity. For example, a contractual warranty may relieve consumers of the burden of proof concerning the existence of a defect in the product at the time the contract was concluded, during the full time of the warranty's application. This does of course not mean that sellers are allowed to withhold information on the specific features of legislative guarantees and contractual warranties from consumers.)
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